Meet Lynn King

Meet Lynn King

Lynn King has been a dedicated volunteer for the race planning committee since 2017 helping to execute the Watermelon 5k Series and Lake to Lake 10k. Lynn also served as secretary in 2019. Lynn has also coordinated the Tuesday night Pub Run for the local shoe retailer since 2019.

Meet Sarah Kozul

Meet Sarah Kozul

The Lakeland Runners Club exists to promote running and fitness for runners of all ages and abilities in the community. We are led entirely by volunteers, and for many years Sarah Kozul has been a dedicated volunteer to the club, executing behind the scenes with many, many hours donated to the benefit of LRC, and the entire running community.

Meet Angi Griffin

Meet Angi Griffin

In 2012, a friend told Angi Griffin that it was so nice outside that they needed to walk Lake Hollingsworth instead of being stuck inside working out. They started meeting at the lake a couple of times a week. Angi was really intimidated being there because there were people running and we were walking. Some were even talking and laughing while they ran. After a couple of weeks, her friend said we should try running a little. That was a hard no for Angi. She didn’t run and didn’t like it, and besides, it might ruin her knees and she didn’t want to die (which she was sure would happen if she ran)! After a couple of more weeks went by, she started noticing there were some people much older than herself running. She decided she could try it and here we are today.

Meet Michelle Hoffert

Meet Michelle Hoffert

Hoffert took a few years away from running after high school, and reconnected with the sport in 2013. In addition to being a RRCA certified running coach, Michelle has run the Boston Marathon twice and has Overall Female wins at Moon over Croom, the Pinellas Trail Challenge and X-Country 30k.

Meet Betsy Slay

Meet Betsy Slay

Running has provided Betsy Slay, lover of learning and life, abundant opportunities to grow and expand by becoming a running coach.  In her story, she shares how she hopes her experiences and training will help others live their own lives in authenticity and freedom. 

Meet Roxanne Youngs

Meet Roxanne Youngs

You may know Roxanne Youngs by her hashtag #whatsyourgrandmadoingtoday and maybe you think of her as the little engine that could (do anything!). In her story, she shares how it took her forever to get up the nerve to go the LRC group runs and how looking back, going is one of the best things that has ever happened to her.

Meet Jan Mohler

Meet Jan Mohler

Running was a surprise gift for Jan Mohler. A tragic loss for a co-worker led Jan to volunteer and raise funds for the Leukemia Society which lead to a meeting with a Team in Training and LRC running coach. 20 years and a bunch of adventures later, and Jan is still lifting others’ spirits with a smile and encouragement.