Meet Brian Heipp

Meet Brian Heipp

Brian Heipp’s journey into running quickly transformed from a supportive gesture for his wife into a passion that led him to become a leader and coach in the Lakeland Runners Club. His willingness to lead and encourage others has not only strengthened the running community but also provided countless runners with an opportunity to improve.

Meet Kathy French

Meet Kathy French

Kathy French took advantage of the variety of training programs offered by the LRC, which gave her the tools to be a confident runner. Initially running for fitness, Kathy’s perspective shifted during the COVID-19 pandemic when she joined the Spring Ahead 5K training group with Betsy Slay. Through this and other LRC programs, she learned the science of running and found a supportive community.

Meet Will Strouse

Meet Will Strouse

A runner and LRC club member for the past 40 years, Will Strouse, now approaching 80, plans to run until he cannot and then walk briskly until he cannot. Running had an incredibly positive impact on his life, allowing him to do things after age 40 that were unthinkable to him in is 20s and 30s.

Meet Yvonne Robinson

Meet Yvonne Robinson

The Abbott World Marathon Majors is a series of six of the largest and most renowned marathons in the world: Tokyo Marathon, B.A.A. Boston Marathon, TCS London Marathon, BMW Berlin-Marathon, Bank of America Chicago Marathon, and TCS New York City Marathon.

Yvonne is one of 2,863 American runners, and the second LRC member, who has completed all six world majors. This is her story.

“Never in a million years did I think I could run a marathon. It seemed crazy to me how anyone could accomplish that feat.”